What period did spinosaurus live in? What is a pteranodon? What is the black rhino's habitat? What were the predators of Stegosaurus? What is a sauropod dinosaur? What is the Komodo dragon's habitat? What is a crocodile's habitat?
What is a stegosaurus? What dinosaurs lived in the Cretaceous period? What did dinosaurs evolve from? Were Ankylosaurus a kind of dinosaur? How big were raptor dinosaurs? What do all dinosaurs have in common? What are dinosaur bones made of?
You will receive your score and answers at the end. question 1 of 3 What features did the Stegosaurus have? Thagomizers on its tail and scutes on its back Long neck and small head Scutes on its tail and thagomizers on its back Horns and crest on its large head...
It's worth pointing out, of course, that many of the dinosaurs you might be familiar with did not live together as one community.Stegosaurusand T. rex never co-existed, separated by 80 million years of evolution. In f...
They included Stegosaurus, 9m long and weighing 2 tonnes.H. The marginocephalians, or “margined heads”, were bipedal or quadrupedal ornithschians with a deep bony frill or narrow shelf at the back of the skull. An example is Triceratops, a rhinoceros-like dinosaur, 9m long, weighing ...
Iguanodon, up to 9m long, 5m tall and weighing 4.5 tonnes. The thyreophorans, or "shield bearers", also known as armoured dinosaurs, were quadrupeds with rows of protective bony spikes, studs, or plates along their backs and tails. They included Stegosaurus, 9m long and weighing 2 ...
Keto gummies can be an effective supplement for weight loss, but it's essential to approach them with a clear understanding of how they work and what to expect. Song Jing was dumbfounded. Finally Fortunately. The Stegosaurus rolled in the air for a moment. By ...
It lived around 70 million years ago and was known for its bull-like horns, which it may have used in head-butting battles or to take down herbivores. 13. Stegosaurus Stegosaurus.Nicole Antonio/DALL-E Another herbivore, Stegosaurus may seem slow and harmless at first glance, but this dinosau...
New keychain puzzle finds: Pitcher in Puzzleman box, Toby the French keychain puzzle elephant, Czech keychain puzzle lantern on a pole, Pif Gadget Hand, Margnat Truck, Japanese Superhero, Kabaya Leaf Stegosaurus, Keychain Burr puzzle from Taiwan, From Japan various airplanes on sprues. ...
Other than birds, however,there is no scientific evidence that any dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Apatosaurus, Stegosaurus, or Triceratops, are still alive. These, and all other non-avian dinosaurs became extinct at least 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period....