Like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Iglesia claims that Jesus Christ is not God but a created being. Yet the Bible is clear: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). We know Jesus is the Word because John 1:14 tells us, “The...
“Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends,” says Jesus (John 15:13). The publication of the Decree opens the door for the investigation of alleged miracles needed as supernatural evidence to further the cause. One miracle will need to be ...
While billions of people believe Jesus of Nazareth was one of the most important figures in world history, many others reject the idea that he even existed at all. A 2015 survey conducted by the Church of England, for instance, found that 22 percent of adults in England did not believe Je...
Hearing or reading the word of God can bring us closer to Him. Through sharing fellowship, good times, and difficult times, we can call to Jesus and have faith He is with us. Jesus intercedes for us when we pray to God. At the end of prayers, the words “In the name of Jes...
did those things because the responsibility of raising a good person, a person who tries not to inflict pain on others, is important to me. Humans can be monstrously cruel. AI has the potential to be exponentially more cruel. Maybe that should be motivating enough to read the metaphorical ...
Didaskō has inherent in it the intent to influence the understanding of the person who is taught. I find myself chuckling because many of those surging upon Jesus did not come to be taught; they wanted the free stuff, like healing and food. As He taught, He said, “Blessed are the...
Again, where did the universe come from? If God, where did God come from? If God is the beginning of all things, why can't the universe be the beginning of all things? Why can't the these patterns have always existed? You assume that something must always come from something else. ...
Her “friends” told her she would be foolish not to take what the man offered. She decided otherwise! “What helped me was faith: Jesus will take care of me! [If I had made a different decision], I wouldn’t have the family, the children I have today. I would not be in this ...
9. What did Jesus look like? We are awash in Jesus fiction. It’s not surprising. Jesus is the best-known figure of history, but in many ways he is also the least known. This makes a great subject for the novelist. Jesus was the Messiah (Christ), the Son of God who was crucified...
Kingdom is not what most of you speak here. Get out of lame christian thinking and into what Jesus came for. Most I hear speak about what Jesus did on earth and try to emulate tat. That is good, but I don’t serve the historical Jesus, I serve the Christ, who is seated in heave...