On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred on a mobile offshore drilling unit, the Deepwater Horizon in the Macondo Prospect oilfield in the Gulf of Mexico. The unit was drilling an exploratory oil well in waters over a mile deep. Eleven people died in the explosion and subsequent fire, ...
摘要: "Followinghe Deepwaterorizonccident,arkly, who wasy predecessorseadfheafetyndperationaliskunction, ledheP internal investigationfheccident, which wasonductedyeam including internalnd external expertise,"aidobryar, Executive Vice President,afetyndperationalisk,P....
"Simulation of Deepwater Horizon oil plume reveals substrate specialization within a complex community of hydrocarbon-degraders," was just published in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
What did the Bermuda Conference decide? What was the Yalta Conference? Who enforces the Charter of Rights and Freedoms? What did the Treaty of Portsmouth do? What was the Treaty of Portsmouth? What is Deepwater Horizon? What was the Washington Conference of 1921?
Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana, resulted in oil and gas rising to the surface and the oil coming ashore in many parts of the Gulf, it also resulted in the dispersment of an immense oil plume 4,000 feet below the surface of the water....
where are you from where can you pic where climb up where did it begin an where did you go where do you think yo where fun comes to di where have akishimo where i find my glory where is home on the where is my dear where is my terminal where is the toilet where meet by chance...
The BP oil spill: The BP shortcuts were responsible to initiate the Gulf oil spill. The central reason for this was the deepwater horizon drilling... Learn more about this topic: Oil Spill Facts: Lesson for Kids from Chap...
During Senate hearings into the causes of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, a pattern emerged. It became clear that in day- to-day operations on the oil platform, there was a disconnect in what engineers call the rig's "design basis." Over time, the parts and com- ponents that were ...
There are some specific characteristics that are found inside people who are born that seem like a developed skills and abilities which open themselves in a wise position where they look like a good leader.
When crude oil pollutes the ocean, it in turn pollutes the ocean’s inhabitants. As noted by the NOAA, oil can damage marine mammals’ coats, ruining their insulation or water-repelling capabilities; crude oil is also poisonous, and if a sea animal swallows it, it can be deadly. How can...