(Hanging on a wall in our den, along with many cruise photos, a Normandie and Titanic poster) an alabaster thermometer, coasters, a change purse, key chain, scarf, and cologne (the cologne is long gone, now). All gifts for being Home Lines repeaters. A real class operation! 1 rka...
England Calling – Kiwiontheloose Wanderlust – Thoughts from an Alabaster Beach Girl Gardens at Coppertop Weekly Photo Challenge: Wanderlust thechangingpalette“The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring Tra La” Firewing Photography Wanderlust Weekly Photo Challenge: Wanderlust – magicandbeauty ...
Most I hear speak about what Jesus did on earth and try to emulate tat. That is good, but I don’t serve the historical Jesus, I serve the Christ, who is seated in heaven. He didn’t die so we can follow his example as much as he died so we might have his power. If any of...
These feast days are intimately connected to all the major pagan holidays of the sun and the star Sirius practiced in our times, especially Christmas. The Illuminati backed New World Order works closely with them. We should pay close attention to the events of the next few days. If the Swin...
(1) Dang, I actually did this when I was a kid to get out of lines. I claimed I typed it in. - Petesh Shouldn't this function return a void? - David Need braces around the printf block for better maintainability - David (4) I'm embarrassed to admit that I've actually used ...
What did I lose? – psychologistmimi Return to the house of dreaming swiftlets: a rather philosophical conversation between old loves – Praise Word Spaces Evanescent – Gitar Plastik A Momma’s View Evanescent Evanescent – Jodie Pages Vivid with colour Looking out to see in – Wells ...
Don't put users' email addresses in plain text as they will get spammed to death Yeah, Im angry at alexa.com; before they somehow did get my contact info - I did not get any spam. Now I'm spammed to death! - Frank alistapart.com/articles/understandingprogressiveenhancement - just_...