One of the first things we did, which I later realized actually formed the connecting strands between everything else, was a values elicitation exercise. This was led by Fabian Dattner, and the intent was to help us understand our own motivations, why we do the things we do and what is...
Robert Oppenheimer brooded on the dire implications. Later, he famously invoked a quote from the Bhagavad Gita: "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." In the decades following that detonation, humanity quaked with fear at atomic weaponry. As the global nuclear arsenal swelled, ...
that. L.B.J. was wrong about it. And the bill’s critics were correct. The bill led to an almost immediate and very large increase in immigration. And it did so because it included a whole bunch of loopholes that the bill’s authors and advocates basically didn’t pay much attention ...