What prompted FDR to begin the Manhattan Project? How did Roosevelt attempt to overcome the effects of polio? What did Eisenhower speak about in his farewell speech? How did Herbert Hoover respond to the Great Depression? How did Van Buren respond to the Panic of 1837?
Leadership is as much a question of timing as anything else. The leader must appear on the scene at a moment when people are looking for leadership, as Churchill did in 1940. as Roosevelt did in 1933, as Lenin did in 1917. And when he comes, he must offer a simple,eloquent message.G...
did not survive. (Ran out of gas? Do you think booze was involved?) The Main Cubby died in 1996 in Beverly Hills at the age of 87. Tim Dalton, Roger Moore, and Pierce Brosnan all attended Cubby’s memorial service. The word is that Sean Connery refused to attend still resentful ...
Question: What steps did President Teddy Roosevelt take to solve Coal Strike of 1902? President Roosevelt and the Coal Strike of 1902: Most people didn't know what to expect when Theodore Roosevelt was sworn into the Oval Office in 1901. After all, he was only there because th...
president, who would go on to lead the country through World War II, had been paralyzed from the waist down due to an illness thought at the time to be polio. In this photo from the FDR Presidential Library & Museum, the presidential hopeful is pictured campaigning in Warm Springs, ...
•Topicsentence:Italsohelpsforaleadertobeabletodosomethingmostofuscan't.•Illustration:FDRovercamepolio;MaoswamtheYangtzeRiverattheageof72.•Para.6 •Topicsentence:Eventelevision…doesn'taltogetherobscurethequalitiesofleadershipwerecognize,ortheirabsence.•Illustrations:TelevisionexposedNixon'sinsecurityand...
The leader should go with the people in the direction they choose, but he is not just one among them; he leads them.,Americans wanted to climb out of the Depression and needed someone to tell them they could do it, and FDR did. 译文: 美国人想爬出经济萧条的泥潭,需要有人告诉他们能...
I'm thinking that 50 years ago in Sioux Falls people were saying the same thing they say today. 'Doggone, it sure does cost a lot to live these days!'. So what did it cost to live in our great city back in the 'old days'? What did your parents or grandparents pay for this, ...
It also helps for a leader to be able to do something most of us can’t: FDR overcame polio; Mao swam the Yangtze River at the age of 72. We don’t want our leaders to be "just like us." We want them to be like us but better, special more so. Yet if they are too differen...
year old kid. When the scientist did not know how it was done, I knew at that moment that I had to pursue magic. Brett McKay: That’s awesome. You’ve been able to incorporate your crossword puzzles into your magic routine. In your book, Spellbound, you go in another direction. You...