Coachella Valley did you know we have an Angel on the Mountain? Photos and Story by Barbara... California's Top Hidden Gems! LIVE SHOW: Just in time for Memorial Day Weekend! Craige Campbell Host for What’s Happening in Studio Live with guests Pat and Liza ...
richly-layered erudite and intricate gems in a working life in which he retired at 49 is about as likely as learning in a few years that Billy Carter, Jimmy's brother, invented the Internet, thought up Twitter, and did both theoretical and initial lab work resulting in three Nobel Prizes ...
For the record, this post clearly implies Prince Phillip was Slick Willy’s (Illegitimate) sire, Ditto Pat Robertson was Dubya Bush’s sire, Malcolm X was Obama’s sire, and it sure looks like Don Rumsfeld’s Battenberg\Mountbatten cousin Tillerson is the father of the fake Trump, and als...
This means that as chip features get smaller, they cram in tighter and tighter, like electrified sardines. Long before Dennard scaling reached its "limits at infinity," the reality of manufacturing tolerances proved its downfall. There was some warning: In 2001, former Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger ...
Trump claimed to Pat Robertson to have gotten rid, by executive order, of the Johnson Amendment that threatens the loss of tax-exempt status to churches that speak politically or endorse candidates, which actually applies to all 501(c)(3) organizations, not just religious ones. He seeks to ...
Did Jules know about this? Absolutely. Jules has everyone driving the Lenoir automobiles in his book. But even that prediction was off. Jules has everyone driving anearlierversion of the car that was powered by illumination gas – that is, the precursor of natural gas that was used in gas ...
In the old days people never bothered about what others did, so long as they were free to do what they liked themselves. Today, one cannot sneeze without being corrected, let alone enjoy oneself. That's what politics have done to our society — Tunku Abdul Rahman 68 To be free . . ...
by their descendants, to aid in the deception that this is “God's Plan” being carried out. This further helps the deception (and the deceivers) to gain more members into their flocks with these “remarkable” fulfilled prophecies, an art form that Freemason Pat Robertson is an expert at...
t matter how many times that scheme backfires or how many people die. The scientists will get to look like geniuses, their corporate masters will make billions, and they’ll find a way to cover it up. The agents who did the dirty work get a pat on the back and a pass on the next...
Obama, you won the fucking election. Everyone despises Bush and his administration — they spent 8 years spitting on international law, good sense, and common decency.Fucking prosecute them.God damnit. [tags]george bush, barack obama, what kind of country is america, torture, what is torture...