The word command in the originalGreekmeans an injunction, ordinance, or law. Jesus was not only summoning with an authoritative order, but he was also instituting a new law to replace the law of Moses —the law of love. We are called to love one another so we’ll walk in the new la...
With the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the person believing that Jesus did rise from the grave would be guaranteed to have eternal life in heaven with God. However, those who chose not to believe in Jesus, would face damnation and face certain doom in hell for eternity. Obedience...
What is the seal of God in the forehead in the prophecy of Revelation? Bible truth revealed about God's seal and the mark of the beast.
13 But I say to you, Elijah has already come. They did to him whatever they wanted to do. It is written that they would.” A Boy with a Demon Is Healed 14 When Jesus came back to His followers, He saw many people standing around them. The teachers of the Law were arguing with...
Now, Protestants may not like hearing that they embrace heresy if they willingly deny Marian dogmas, but they think the same thing. Many of them would say that a Christian must believe that Mary did not have sex even during pregnancy before Jesus was born, or a Christian must believe in ...
the Law of Moses, God did not introduce or approve of this marital model. The Hebrew word for concubine,Piylegesh, isn’t even of Hebrew origin. It’s “a non-Semitic loanword borrowed to refer to a phenomenon not indigenous to Israel,” according toBaker’s Dictionary of Bib...
Biblically, however, the object of faith is not the divine offer but the Person of Jesus Christ. Faith in Him is what saves, not just believing His promises or accepting facts about Him. Saving faith has to be more than accepting facts. Even demons have that kind of faith (James 2...
The Church of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth. The priesthood authority of God exists in His Church today, just as it did in the original Church. The Bible and the Book of Mormon are the word of God. God reveals His will to prophets today, just as He did anciently. Our...
I have to listen to the original “I Fought The Law” to remember what it sounds like because the Clash so completely made the song their own, and words fail me when I try to describe why the masterful “(White Man) In Hammersmith Palais” may be the greatest song they ever recorded....
21Now we see how God does make us acceptable to him. The Law and the Prophets[b]tell how we become acceptable, and it isn't by obeying the Law of Moses.22God treats everyone alike. He accepts people only because they have faith in Jesus Christ.23All of us have sinned and fallen sh...