So, why did Jesus choose Judas? The reason that Jesus chose Judas was so that the Scriptures would be fulfilled. ... Judas was the “son of destruction.” Rather, Jesus chose Judas knowing fully that he had a wicked and unbelieving heart that would lead to betrayal (John 6:64; 70-71...
you will be saved.”(Rm 10:9) Paul recognized Jesus’ death and resurrection, but Jesus’ sacrifice was to draw attention to the Good News already proclaimed by Paul – God’s desire to empower unselfish living. Paul preached about the Kingdom of God being here (Acts). Paul did say “...
“Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?” It is true that the Scripture says of Judas that he had a demon from the beginning, and yet it is also true of Judas that Jesus treated him like a man, not a devil. Up until the very end Judas was not slight...
“Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?” It is true that the Scripture says of Judas that he had a demon from the beginning, and yet it is also true of Judas that Jesus treated him like a man, not a devil. Up until the very end Judas was not slight...
Aslan's betrayal and resurrection in the story parallel the events of Jesus's betrayal and resurrection in Christian belief. The allegorical nature of the book allows for deeper exploration of religious themes and ideas in a fictional setting. ...
There is no indication that Judas had any sorrow for any other sin in his life, and he asked no pardon for his betrayal of Jesus. Judas’ despair was the result of great regret, but was not the same as repentance. Judas had no change of mind, nor a change of heart. Rather than re...
What did a kiss mean in biblical times? A kiss can bea heavenly messenger for change. ... History has it that biblical heroes such as Moses, Aaron and Jacob, left this world for a better one as a result of a kiss from God. Many ancients felt that the 'kiss' signified a death of...
And not only did Jesus heal the man’s physical eyes, but Jesus gave the man the opportunity to see the light of eternity. His physical blindness allowed him to see Jesus, physically and spiritually. Jesus said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” ...
Jesus was tempted in all things Yet He did it sin. We are to be Holy as he is holy. 1 Peter 1:14-16 “As obedient children, do not conform to the passions of your former ignorance. 15But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, 16for it is written: ...
Church, but I also know there’s no one country where God said it would remain strong. Whatever happens, though – I’m here for it. I believe this is the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic faith established by Jesus Christ, and I’m not leaving him because of modern day Judases. ...