We know from all of Jesus’ words in Scripture that heaven is the place of eternal life with God after we depart this world. But what did Jesus mean when he said, "today you will be with me in Paradise?" Greg Grandchamp Author Updated Mar 01, 2022 ...
What Did Jesus Mean by 'I Am the Light of the World'? Light as a Metaphor Light in Messianic Prophecy FAQ: Light of the World Light of the World in Scripture “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no lo...
Jesus also calls him part of the 12th. He says, did I not choose you? The 12 and one of you is the devil in John six verse 70. In the next verse, John makes it very clear, he means Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who’s one of the 12. In fact, the evangelists love to...
Essentially you have to do what Dante did in hisInferno. You have to go down before you can go up. You have to pass through the darkness of your own soul—and even be immersed in it—in order to come out into the light. This involves radical self-honesty, which can be extreme...
That said, whilst I admire your conviction in Jesus' existence and good nature, I can't help but question it. Leaps of faith aside, how do you KNOW he existed, or if he did exist, how do you KNOW he took on any burden whatsoever in his death? Where's the evidence? Surely not th...
2. Did Jesus say that hell fire will never be "quenched"?Mark 9:43-48. (Recall that the Greek word for "hell" in verses 43, 45 and 47 is gehenna.) COMMENT: Jesus repeated this statement five times for emphasis. From this, people have carelessly assumed the "fire that never shall ...
So who are the servants? Who do the servants represent? The solution to this problem is to return to the image of the field as the world. The Son of Man sowed seeds in the field, and the servants went out and worked in the field. Since the field is the world, and Jesus is the ...
2.In this second verse above, Jesus Himself is telling us that He didnotcome to do away with the laws of His Father and the prophets. He says that these laws and commandments are still in effect until“all is fulfilled,”which I believe refers to when we get theNew Heaven and New Ea...
https://www.onteamjesus.com/what-if-all-christians-did-this/ What if, before making a purchase, Christians consciously chose to support Christian-owned businesses? This simple yet transformative shift could significantly bolster our communities, uphold our values, and strengthen our economies from wi...
How did Jesus care for the widows, the orphans, and the foreigners? Show produced by Dan Gummel. Powered and distributed by SimpleCast. Episode 2 Understanding the Law Part 1: The LAW In this episode, Tim and Jon go deeper into the themes introduced in our video, “The Law.” What ...