Who was Emperor of Japan in 1914? Who unified the Empire of Japan? Why did Japan want to take over China and other places in Asia in the 20th century? Was Imperial Japan capitalist? What did Emperor Meiji do for Japan? What territory did Japan gain after the Sino-Japanese War? What wa...
Another factor for Japan's decision on who to ally with had to do with befriending the "bully" on the block. For Japan, this decision would have a profound impact for their country when the "bully" of the block was knocked off. Choosing sides has consequences, especially on the stage ...
But as even in 1930 til 1945 is the Japan that China must punish Japan for what they did for this great country in ww2. Japanes army was most cruel and barbaric 日本是中国应该忘记通行证1920年到1945年,如果它fesait军事力量的联盟设置了它不是的pouraient言什么打不 [translate] ...
What side was Norway on in WWII? Fighting Fjords: The second world war involved nearly every country on earth. The Nazis tried to invade and take over western Europe, and they were met with resistance in nearly every country they wanted to invade. Some of the leaders of these countries wer...
To the north, Finland and Russia fought two smaller wars that influenced the outcome of the European War as well. Notable events of this war included the Battle of Stalingrad and the Normandy invasion. The Pacific War The Pacific War was primarily fought between Japan and the United States. ...
What were war bonds during WW2? World War II: The financial cost of the Second World War was staggering. In the United States alone, it is estimated that the country spent about $341 billion dollars on the war effort. The government struggled to find ways to raise the necessary capital. ...
aJapan is China should forget the pass in 1920 to 1945 if it fesait an alliance of military force have set pouraient say it's not what unbeatable force legend. But as even in 1930 til 1945 is the Japan that China must punish Japan for what they did for this great country in ww2. ...
It seems they do know a lot. But it is not as important to them as it is to the west. Japan was the aggressor at that point in history. The atrocities committed were no different than in Europe. I guess it depends on your point of view. Fast forward: today the Chinese kids...
How did Japan respond to growing American involvement? Section 2 - Vocabulary Nazi forces stormed into Poland revealing the enormous power of Hitler’s blitzkrieg, “lightning war.” They produced ever more deadly bombs and invented hundreds of new devices, such as radar to detect airplanes and ...
of N Korea's or S Korea's territory. Korea remained its incomplete independence from China throughout history until Japan made Korea its colony. China gave N Korea some territory when Mao was in position, for the sake of "comrades' friendship". Don't accuse China of what...