DJI Gamora Administrator + Add Friend Person Message Offline 38# CentILFlyer Posted at 2-8 14:01 I got called today by a DJI sales rep to let me know that my DJI Flip was being held in US Customs (3 weeks in the Louisville UPS secure wearhouse), and that I had three options, ...
Your drone doesn't know you are outside China. Take it outdoors and enjoy it. 2024-10-17 Use props DJI Gamora Administrator + Add Friend Person Message Online 14# Hi there, Thank You for reaching out. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue. The phenomenon you describ...
What if…Natasha never left the Red Room, but Yelena did. What if…What if Clint sacrificed himself for the soul stone, instead of Natasha What if…MJ got bitten by the radioactive spider What if… The other half of the heroes survived the Snap ...
MCU Plot Hole: Gamora is Alive But Thanos Still Has The Soul Stone The Marvel Cinematic Universe has done things that were never expected from any film studio, much less one that exclusively… Read More » News Riddhijit ChattopadhyayOctober 2, 2021 Why Ultron Did Not Snap To Bring Mu...
"Peter Quill, still reeling from the loss of Gamora, must rally his team around him to defend the universe along with protecting one of their own. A mission that, if not completed successfully, could quite possibly lead to the end of the Guardians as we know the...
If you love Marvel comics and movies, you may have heard of infinity stones (originally called infinity gems). However, have you ever wondered what the infinity stones are, what they do, and what powers they possess? Did you know that these stones closely resemble genuine gemstones found all...
Butyoudon'tknowherstory. 从疯狂泰坦的女儿到多重宇宙战争冠军 FromthedaughterofaMadTitantothechampionofamultiversalwar, 葛摩菈成为自己故事中英雄的历程 Gamora'spathtobecomingtheheroofherstory 是从别人的故事开始 beganinsomeoneelse's. (漫威影业呈献) ...
Notyourfather.Notyourpast. 你决定你是谁 Youdecide.Whoareyou? 萨诺斯的女儿还是… ThedaughterofThanos,or... 我始终没听到你的名字 Youknow,Inevercaughtyourname. 我叫葛摩菈 MynameisGamora. 谢谢你葛摩菈这是荷兰文还是瑞典文 Thankyou,Gamora.IsthatDutch?Swedish,maybe? 还没结束史塔克 Thisisntover,Stark....
'" she told the publication, adding, "'I'm way too serious and smart to be an actress, and besides, the script is all in English.' I spoke English, but I wasn't comfortable with it." Gadot didn't end up getting the part because it went to Olga Kurylenko, but it did start her...
All right, everyone, you all know what to do. You know the plan. 夺得灵魂宝石 交给葛摩? Get the Soul Stone and get it to Gamora. 我们守卫防线 她会释放破碎机 We'll hold the line. And then she'll unleash the Crusher. 加点运气 我们将回家吃饭 ...