How old was Cleopatra VII when she died? What did Cleopatra accomplish in her lifetime? Why is she so famous? Was Cleopatra the last queen of Egypt? What is the Bust of Nefertiti? What did Joan of Arc wear? What kind of paint did Frida Kahlo use?
What did the Hittites accomplish? How was Tutankhamun buried? What did Alexander the Great do in Egypt? Which Kushite accomplishment reflects the influence of Egyptian culture? How did Akhenaten change Egypt? Who was the pharaoh before Cleopatra?
How did the pharaohs of the New Kingdom change Egypt? What was unusual about Egypt during the reign of Akhenaten? What did Akhenaton do for Egypt? Who was the pharaoh before Cleopatra? What Egyptian dynasty is Tutankhamun from? What pharaoh built the Great Pyramid?
Who was the pharaoh before Hatshepsut? What was a Roman empress? What is Cleopatra's brother's name? What Frankish king encouraged education? What was Hatshepsut like as a ruler? What did Charlemagne teach in his schools? What did Alexander the Great do in Egypt?
Who was the first pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom? How old was Ramesses II when he died? Who was the youngest pharaoh? How did the people of Egypt react to Pharaoh Akhenaten? What did Hatshepsut do as a pharaoh of Egypt? Who was the pharaoh before Cleopatra? Which pharaoh introduced monoth...
How did Hatshepsut change Egypt during her reign as pharaoh? Who ruled after Cleopatra? What are the legacies of ancient Egypt? Who is the New Kingdom Pharaoh Amenhotep? What are some facts about Ramesses II in Egypt? What did Pharaoh Akhenaten try to do?
Who was the pharaoh before Cleopatra? What was Tutankhamun famous for? Who is Zoroaster? Who was Caligula? Who was the ruler of Athens during the Peloponnesian War? Who was Mehmed II? What is Armenia known for? What did Herodotus write about?
How did Hatshepsut change Egypt during her reign as pharaoh? What did Herodotus do in Egypt? What happened after Hatshepsut died? What happened to Egypt after Cleopatra died? What achievements were made during the Egyptian Middle Kingdom?Explore...
Imhotep served in the court of the Egyptian pharaoh Djoser. He served as one of his advisors, but that was only one of his roles. Imhotep was also an architect, scribe, and a physician. He designed Djoser's tomb, which is one of the earliest examples of an Egyptian pyramid....
What did Egypt accomplish under Senusret? How did Akhenaten change Egypt? How did the pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom improve life? How were the three major Hellenistic kingdoms different? What did Egyptian pharaohs demand from conquered kingdoms? What happened to Egypt after Cleopatra died...