Did Buddha have enemies? The Buddha rebukedDevadattaharshly and said he was not worthy. Thus Devadatta became the Buddha's enemy. ... Devadatta persuaded the prince to murder his father and assume the throne of Magadha. At the same time, Devadatta vowed to have the Buddha murdered so he...
When Buddha and Jesus transitioned, their departures are described as an ascent through many stages back to Mother/Father One, God, however that tradition describes the Divine. Michael confirms that that’s our common destination: Archangel Michael: Your ultimate enlightenment is the reabsorption into...
Did Moses split the red sea, or did God? Did God raise Jesus, or did Jesus raise himself? Moses had to suffer the karmic consequences of using his powers, because God didn't do those things. And Jesus said HE HAS THE POWER to lay down his life and take it up again. ...
do buddha, ramana, or jesus still feel the oneness as they would have felt it when they were alive? a: this is a good question, although no one can really answer it until they die. there are some mysteries that are meant to be mysteries. when it comes to something like death, what...
Did you enjoy our collection of expressions of gratitude quotes? Or may be you have a slogan about expressions of gratitude to suggest. Let us know using our contact form. Citation Feel free to cite and use any of the quotes in this collection of expressions of gratitude quotations. For ...
Like a beautiful flower that is colorful but has no fragrance, even well spoken words bear no fruit in one who does not put them into practice. — Buddha 7 What maters most is how well you walk through the fire.I've never had a meth habit, I don't walk around naked, and unless ...
In appreciation of Mahaprabhu's descent here, he says, 'How could I keep up my life if Gauranga Mahaprabhu did not come down? If I did not come in touch with Gauranga Mahaprabhu, how could I live at all? That is so near to life, so near to vitality. It is the vitality of the...
Thus, Jesus did not describe heaven, nor the Buddha Nirvana. Yet each described a task to do, standards to follow, and a Way to salvation. This seems to me the sum of the Law and the Prophets. Infantile Atheism God as Love The gods of Euripides...
Why did we destroy paradise, turn utopia into dystopia!? That has been our terrible predicament or condition: how on Earth could we explain and justify that seeming act of madness; we surely must be evil monsters?!”I then said that trying to live with the implication that we are ...