A project by@duyonline&@joekimt Kudos@NickFinney What didDavid Bowiedo at your age? Go Info box When David Bowie was0
What did Hernan Cortes do in Mexico? What is Humphry Davy famous for? What did Francisco Pizarro discover? What was led by Miguel Hidalgo? What did James Bowie do at the Alamo? What did Francisco Pizarro find in Peru? What did Jean Lafitte smuggle?
What jobs did James Bowie have? Was Robert Frost religious? What jobs did John Blair have? What was Frederick Douglass' first job? What was Edgar Allan Poe's first job? What three professions is William Shakespeare famous for? What careers did Isaac Asimov have?
There's plenty of evidence of Musk having fun in the corporate world—Tesla cars are known for their hidden Easter eggs and SpaceX once launched the Falcon Heavy rocket with Musk's own Tesla Roadster on board, playing David Bowie's "Space Oddity" on a loop! On the inside: Understanding ...
These buildings are temperamental and stubborn in their old age. But it did make me yearn, briefly, for the Berlin flat I worked and lived in for more than five years and left 12 months ago. Germans do sustainability very well. They build structures that last, and get it right the ...
But don’t do it without a plan. Because the very last thing a tense situation needs is someone full of good intentions but with no knowledge of de-escalation tactics or self-defense. Your intentions are not a tangible shield. If you don’t make a plan, you will get yourself or the ...
Perhaps in response to last year, when 4 guys had put on a panel called “Women in Comics,” and did not include one woman on the panel, there were tons of women-oriented panels this year, so many that they clashed with each other, and I had to cancel at least one panel so that...
What I did manage to salvage, I recorded, cleaned up, and dubbed onto CDs. Like Doc Watson, everyone on those CDs is now gone and, honestly, I don’t know if our generations have come anywhere close to carrying on their legacy. I do know that since my grandfather died in 1997, the...
AEM016 Debo Band / Kiddid I might as well get it out of the way at the beginning: Debo Band is not world music. Debo Band is something far more interesting and complex than the safe, de-contextualized commodification of music from the perceived golden age of another country sold in cof...
“When we did the 2018 recommendation, we did not have a sufficient number of male participants in the studies of fractures and falls with vitamin D. Since that time, there’s been enough to at least draw some conclusions, and we’ve drawn the same conclusion: It’s not helpful in terms...