This two-hour movie is the story of a World War II US Army division consisting entirely of black women. It was real too, charged with maintaining the postal service U.S. soldiers overseas, in the UK and France. This is a story worth telling. Unfortunately, it’s Tyler Perry at the he...
And it was absolutely thrilling to see five species of Crocodylia bound or gallop when they hadn’t been properly documented to do it before– enough anecdotes, here’s cold hard facts from video on what happens. What remains is a mystery: did Crocodylia have this ability to use asymmetrical...
The ongoing defense of the P.I., while embarrassing to the IJA and causing the continued commitment of the 65th Brigade did little to prevent the development of a threat to the Australian SLOCs and Allied bases in Melanesia from the Solomons during 1942. Because of the island terrain, an...
In the UK, they’re considered stinky, rude (they never line/queue up like decent people), and a bit yellow, based on their tendency to not fend off invaders like the Nazis.The French, in turn, dislike the British, look down on Belgians for being stupid, and don’t have much to s...
Following us up were an Australian couple, the only people there apart from us, and inevitably we found we had common ground to marvel over. Meeting people is such an important part of the pleasure of these trips. We met them again over coffee at the Heritage Museum with its exibits of...
“Ah, sex in Japan, always a hot topic in online forums. If you’re a man, and you post: I’m having lots of sex in Japan! then someone will surely reply: The women you’re seeing are all hoes. Or, if you’re a woman and you post the same thing, then: You yourself are a...
“anything” involves some of the tools of science. But teaching science is far more than just teaching the methods scientists use: it also involves imparting a body of knowledge to students, and, at higher levels, answering the question, “How did we c...
Trump will do no better than any. He surely appears as a different twist in how to fool a nation of voters (first mistake) as the Obama show did. It’s the same movie, just a different show, with the same outcome. It makes no sense that Trump’s perspective seems to be so out ...
Kennedy as a reason why people stopped wearing hats because he did not wear one at his 1961 inauguration, but he did indeed wear a top hat on the day. However, like many people in the 1960s, Kennedy was wearing hats far less frequently than previous presidents did. The supposed Kennedy ...
This two-hour movie is the story of a World War II US Army division consisting entirely of black women. It was real too, charged with maintaining the postal service U.S. soldiers overseas, in the UK and France. This is a story worth telling. Unfortunately, it’s Tyler Perry at the he...