"It is safe to walk on all of the islands...The Advisory Group reaffirmed: although the residual radioactivity on islands in Bikini Atoll is still higher than on other atolls in the Marshall islands, it is not hazardous to health at the levels measured. Indeed, there are many places in ...
They named the creation the “bikini” drawing inspiration from Bikini Atoll, where the U.S. had recently conducted atomic bomb testing. The skimpy new swimsuit was considered risqué and even scandalous. Réard compared it to a cultural “explosion” akin to the nuclear tests occurring at the ...
television’s most famous spaceship arrives in need of extensive repairs. Both of the round caps of the Enterprise’s warp engines are missing, and the intricate lighting setup built into the engines has been destroyed as a result, and the “radar dish” at the bottom of the model is missi...
You are familiar with the two-piece swimsuit known as the bikini. The suit was the brainchild of French Designer Louis Reard. He decided to name his creation in 1946 after the Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. The Bikini Atoll was the testing ground for the U.S. Nuclear Bomb program. ...
Kennedy, whose PT 109 Patrol Torpedo boat was carved in two and destroyed by a Japanese warship in the Solomon Islands. After the sinking, Kennedy and his crew reached Kolombangara Island where they were found by Coastwatcher Sub-Lieutenant Reg Evans who organized their rescue. In the ...
23,093.Bikini atoll, Marshall Islands: 2 sq. mi.; site of US nuclear tests, July 1946.Billerica town, NE Massachusetts 01821; pop. 37,609.Billings city, CEN. Montana 59011*; pop. 81,151.Biloxi city, SE Mississippi 39530*; pop. 46,319....