Basically, a lot of the primaries in the United States are votes only within the party to determine who the party candidate will be, and a lot of the party primaries were canceled and nobody else was allowed to compete. The senior people were afraid that if they allowed real competition,...
Just go throw on anything from Milwaukee, or Detroit, or the DMV—even if it’s not your vibe, it’ll at the very least be interesting. There’s a lot of really fun popular songs too: “Fisherr,”“Or What,” the whole Bossman Dlow thing. Click around; I promise you’ll find ...
As a result, if Microsoft and Sony were somehow running for president, and electoral votes were based on how many people used each company's consoles to visit YouPorn, Xbox would win the electoral college 347 to 191 (assuming DC goes to PlayStation like the surrounding states). While...
(See today’s Cook Political Report). Trump did not win a majority; the outcome constitutes a plurality of 2.5 million votes out of 154.3 million cast. More people voted for alternatives to Trump than to Trump. Yes, Trump’s electoral college margin is more substantial,...
force him out because of the way the party primaries were structured. Basically, a lot of the primaries in the United States are votes only within the party to determine who the party candidate will be, and a lot of the party primaries were canceled and nobody else was allowed to compete...
Voters in the tiny community ofDixville Notch, which has just a few residents, were first to cast their ballots, at midnight — a tradition that began in 1960. This year, six votes were cast and all six went to Haley. Dixville Notch polls close just a few minutes after they...
Option B35 votes Score70ResponsesDemographic reportsAI highlights MaleFemaleAll filters 15 Responses to Option A The contrast with the bright green against the white text is easier for me to read. #2 I find the green more soothing and less distracting. #4 This one stands out ...
Democratic leaders have combined that bill with a debt ceiling suspension the Republicans find unpalatable. It’s not clear if Democrats have the votes on their own side, and some GOP senators could choose to filibuster. So we don’t know what will happen, but it’s another potential fiasco...
A poll tax had to be paid to vote and was levied to suppress racial and ethnic minority votes. This wasn't outlawed until 1964 with the passing of the 24th Amendment.1617 The impact of the 24th Amendment and civil-rights-era legislation depended and continues to depend on enforcement that ...
The rule would require poll workers in each precinct to tally the number of ballots cast and compare it with machine counts. Poll workers would not be required to hand-count actual votes. Supporters of the measure said it would help identify errors early in the pro...