2009. Execution of nonsense- mediated mRNA decay: what defines a substrate? Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 21:394-402. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ceb.2009.02.007Rebbapragada I, Lykke-Andersen J. 2009. Execution of nonsense- mediated mRNA decay: What defines a substrate? Curr Opin Cell Biol...
a repository of stored information, including arbitrary sound-meaning pairings, word-specific information of grammatical properties, and words’ unpredictable morphosyntactic forms. As for the rules of grammar which are characterized by language regularities, Ullman (2001b) defines them as what underlie ...
This event keyword defines an event block whose event is triggered by the ABAP runtime environment when calling the executable program selection screen processing of a selection screen. In an executable program, all statements that are not declarations, and are listed before the first explicit ...
For ℤ𝑛Zn he simply defines the operation ⊕ on the set {0,…,𝑛−1}{0,…,n−1} via ⊕:(𝑎,𝑏)↦Remainderof𝑎+𝑏inthedivisionby𝑛.⊕:(a,b)↦Remainderofa+binthedivisionbyn. This marks an introduction to cyclic groups solely based on arithmetic of primary school...