What defines a civilization? fremen_warrior(5510)“Great Answer”(3)Flag as…¶ Response moderated (Spam) Civilization is for the benefit of those who are members of it. Whatever they decide they want is the goal of the moment. Civilizations are dynamic, so there is no ultimate goal, oth...
What were the Harappan civilization's achievements? What factors enabled the Spanish to conquer the Aztecs? What influences did the Toltecs have on the Aztecs? What defines Mesoamerican civilization? What Mesoamerican civilization laid the foundation for all others?
In this broad sense, a civilization contrasts with non-centralized tribal societies, including the cultures of nomadic pastoralists, Neolithic societies or hunter-gatherers; however, sometimes it also contrasts with the cultures found within civilizations themselves. Culture Culture defines the way of ...
What defines Mesoamerican civilization? Describe the cities during the Gilded age or what was beneath the gold. What was one great contribution of the Islamic Golden Age? What brought about the Dark Ages? What was the Golden Age of the Byzantine Empire?
aSamuel P. Huntington similarly defines a civilization as " the highest cultural grouping of people and the broadest level of cultural identity people have short of that which distinguishes humans from other species. Samuel P。 Huntington相似地定义了文明和“最高文化编组人和文化认同人的最宽广的水平...
aSamuel P. Huntington similarly defines a civilization as " the highest cultural grouping of people and the broadest level of cultural identity people have short of that which distinguishes humans from other species. Samuel P。 Huntington相似地定义了文明和“最高文化编组人和文化认同人的最宽广的水平...
What defines a cult? A cult is defined by its religious or ideological devotion, often centered around a specific figure or set of beliefs, with exclusive practices. 14 Can a cult be part of a culture? Yes, the practices and beliefs of a cult can be seen as a subset of a larger cult...
Brand Finance defines soft power as a country's ability to influence and attract international actors rather than coerce them. While interpretations of soft power differ, it generally represents a country's appeal, influence and charisma, as opposed to the awe and dread associated with hard power...
But even people near the bottom are likely to support the system because it defines a secure place for them. 在一个以竞争为基础的世界里,输家几乎没有地位(收入也有限),而赢家占据主导地位。 In a contest-based world, the losers are left with little or no status (and limited incomes)d while...
What defines Mesoamerican civilization? What was the mother culture of Mesoamerica? What language did the Incas speak? What types of food did the Incas eat? What is one characteristic of Incan textiles? What was an important responsibility of warriors in Aztec culture?