Shabbat symbolizes the 7th day of creation and is a day to recharge spiritually. Learn more about observing Shabbat with our guides, menus and recipes.
What is Simchat Torah? Why do Jews celebrate Shabbat? What day does Hanukkah start on the Hebrew calendar? When is Rosh Hashanah on the Hebrew calendar? What is a tefillin? What is the Jewish calendar based on? What is the dreidel?
How do Jews celebrate Shavuot? What is the Day of Pentecost in the Old Testament? Who celebrates Shabbat? What is Tishri on the Jewish calendar? What month is Nisan in the Jewish calendar? How long is Shabbat? When is Hanukkah on the Jewish calendar?
Tot Shabbat 3/12/2025 Apr 6, 1:00 pm Hadassah PRIMEtime Chocolate Seder 3/11/2025 Apr 29, 7:00 pm Yom HaZikaron Community Ceremony Please join us as we gather as a community to observe Yom HaZikaron 2025, Israel's Memorial Day for... ...
What day is the sabbath and was the sabbath changed from Saturday to Sunday in the Bible by scriptures that say first day of the week?
Jews observe a day of rest to commemorate God resting on the seventh day after he made the world. Shabbat begins on Friday at sunset and lasts until sunset on Saturday. It is a time for family and community, and during this time services at the synagogue are well attended. No work is ...
Question: What does Kabbalat Shabbat mean? Sabbath: The Jewish Sabbath falls every Friday night at sunset and is marked by the lighting of two candles in the home. The Sabbath is a day of rest and includes special prayers at temple and meals with family and friends. The Sabbath ends on ...
Candles are always lit late into the day, usually at sundown, though others do it later. The exception is on Shabbat when the Hanukkah candles must be lit before the Shabbat candles, the latter of which must be lit at sundown. On Motzei Shabbat, when Shabbat ends, candle lighting is eve...
Hosted a friend for Shabbat Thanksgiving to help sooth her nerves before arguing before the Supreme Court Attended a last-night-of-Hannukah holiday potluck (yum!) Attended and helped deep fried a kosher turkey at “Friendsgivikkah” pot-luck feast we had to prep in the laundry room because...
"Wherefore all you who are come this day to do your homage and service: are you willing to do the same?" The congregation and choir replies: "God save King Charles." - The presentation of the bible The specially-commissioned red leather-bound bible is presented to the...