mother tongue culture 自己的家乡文化 All roads lead to Rome 条条大路通罗马 with great speed 全力的 What day do chickens hate most 鸡最恨哪一天??If I have more moeny than I need and do not help those who are lacking daily necessities, I am a selfish person.如果我的钱比我自...
If love between both sides can last tor aye, why need they stay together night and day? 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 The way ahead is long; I see no ending, yet high and low I'll search with my will unbending. 民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻。 The people are the most important element ...
the TV screen, too many now are doing just the same. For example – the proportion of gay men and women in the US is most reliably estimated at 2-3%. Yet a couple of years ago a survey of college and high school students had the kids estimated that gays were more like a quarter ...
If there is a God (there isn’t) it certainly doesn’t want humans pretending to know what he wants so they can, control the population by fear, collect money, and judge fellow humans like you religious sheep like enjoy to do so much. God especially doesn’t want to abuse children ...
Why specifically is it cake? Made me curious, so I went on the hunt for the origins of the birthday cake. Cake Goes Waaay Back Celebrations of birth began in ancient Egypt, but in a different way than we do today. When a pharaoh was crowned, it was considered the “birth day” ...
I don't believe people die from hard work. They die from stress and worry and fear - the negative emotions. Those are the killers, not hard work. The fact is, in our society today, most people don't understand what hard work is all about. — Arthur L. Williams, Jr. 46 Full Of...
I don’t think my hens would last a day. We have hawks flying over daily. The foxes look at our chickens through the wire of the run. A bobcat strolls through our yard a couple times a year, and our chickens have no fear of animals of any kind. But I know that these four hens...
This is the journal of Bob, the Axolotl, a Mexican Walking Salamander. Bob chronicles his life in this journal showing us what it’s like to live with his human mom, dad and sibling along with non-human siblings—one dog, two cats, three budgies, four chickens, a green-cheeked conure...
So the baby was home. All were well. There was wine in the house. But no knitting had been done. However my daughter snapped right back after delivery and was soon a functioning human, a feeling I don’t recall having with a two day old baby and a toddler at home. And my absolute...
To this day, the thought of losing a tooth brings back childhood nightmares lived while awake, a terrifying monster peeking out of the darkness of my past.. I was eight when my father instilled an illogical fear in me. It was a reason for hiding in corners, keeping my mouth clenched ...