Things did not go as planned, however, and some time down the line, it turned out that the weapon design for the M4A4 Howl Skin was stolen by the two mentioned artists. Valve received a major DMCA complaint and they decided to remove the skin from the game. The rarity of the skin was...
Why did Jesus have to die? — The punishment for sin is death.God created earth and man perfect. But when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s comman ELYSIUM H, NG, FA [TEST] In the year 2154, two classes of people exist: the very wealthy, who live on a pristine man-made space station...
BfN did a great job on QoL improvements. The overheat indicator on your HUD, the ability to save builds/costumes which I had asked for GW2 since day one, and a few smaller things. Having more than 3 slots per character would be even better than what we got in B...
The BTTF2 creators got so much right with television, it’s like they really did travel forward in time. There’s the six-channeled TV which portended not just picture-in-picture technologies, but also the National Football League’s RedZone stream that shows multiple games at once, or the...
Particularly this month: “Hey guys, TF2 is on sale for $30!” Eh what? Oh, right, you mean Titanfall 2…. Reply Nick-B says: Tuesday Nov 22, 2016 at 1:27 pm Or when RPS did an article today about the latest Dishonored 2 patch and referred to it as D2 the entire time. ...
By PC Gamer published May 19, 2018 Was it Half-Life 2, The Orange Box or did you come to digital downloads a little later? Let us know. Comments PCG Q&A Check out past editions of the PCG Q&A: - What's the most disappointed you've been by a game's ending? - When was the ...