Between 1861, when census data on religious affiliation began to be collected in Ireland, and 1911, the Protestant population of what is now the Republic fell by almost 45 per cent - or 1.2 per cent a year - whereas in that 50-year period the Roman Catholic population fell by only 30 ...
the Battle of the Four Courts had itself occurred three to six days previously and the fighting was then on O’Connell Street. On 10 July, therefore this was almost two-week old news. JHC had put a subheading “These Can Wait” in his column...
To the north and west from here is theformer Jewish ghetto. While the name "ghetto" may imply negative connotations, for centuries it was an ethnic district that had not been secluded from the rest of the city nor it was the only area where the local Jews lived (until the forced Na...
was stdl lncreaslng at the time the census was taken So lt 1s more than likely that when the next census 1s taken it wdl be found that follomng 1910 there was an even greater flow from Spain, Italy Hungary Austria, Russia, Fin- land, and other countries where the lron hand of ...
The 1900 census was ahead of its time, in distinguishing "private families" (what would later be termed "households") from other 30 types of families (what came to be known as group quarters and their components). Thus families classified "other than 'private'" (that is, as group ...
"We have announced the end date of our state of emergency, there are no industry shutdowns, and daycares are operating with no restrictions. Vaccinations are available for all adults," Ivey said in a news release. "Alabama is giving the federal government our 30-day notice that it's time...
.For Texas it is the classic "Feliz Navidad" from Jose Feliciano. It was also the most popular in Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and California. ArkansasChuck Berry and Run Rudolph Run is the most popular song in Arkansas. It is also the most popular in Indiana, South Carolina, and Kentu...
The 1930 census shows 70 year old John T. Gunn owned his home at 202 Hyde Park Avenue, valued at $20,000, occupation: County Commissioner. Son Jack was a Civil Engineer, Road Construction. Dale Mabry Highway was not extended north of Hillsborough Ave. until around 1955. Not only did th...
Northallerton and District Local History Society stalwart Jim Sedgwick, 71, has transcribed all the handwritten census returns for the Northallerton area from 1841 to 1901 into clear typescript. History is up to date More results ► Acronyms browser ? ▲ TYLY TYM TYMBA TYMBI TYMC TYMD TYME...
According to the map and the 1910 census, Belarus is overwhelmingly Russian majority right now. Within Belarus at least, there will be a strong pro-Russian annexation majority the moment Russia stabilizes anytime. also historically, according to German reports from 1917, the Po...