If the geneticists determine that the crucial changes date to the same period, if Lucy was Lucy Ledecky, scientists claiming absolute certainty about the HAT will have to put on a dunce cap, sit in the corner, and write “I will respect my professional colleagues” a thousand times. The wh...
They do not have an infancy - they only live four years from their 'incept date'. On the other hand, they seem to be made of flesh and blood, or so it seems when they die, and are based on human DNA - 'there's part of me in you' a genetic engineer says to two of them at...
@anon 22738: You might want to know that, even if a space shuttle was able to go faster than the speed of light, you would also be crushed, or torn apart by tidal gravitation. Plus, even if that did not happen, you would be stuck in the black hole anyway because the escape velocit...