It includes prayers, readings, and rituals intended to facilitate a communal response to and participation in the sacred through acts of public worship. Whereas, Mass is a term specifically used within the Christian tradition, particularly in the Roman Catholic Church, to describe the celebration of...
Roman Catholic Seventh Day Adventist I have described these schools as medium strength in terms of the religious education and observance components they typically offer. Your child will probably be required to attend regular religious services and hear readings and prayers from the great books w...
So as we begin this service of gratitude, I’m grateful to all of you who showed up tonight, as well as those for who have shown up for me in countless other ways these past few weeks. Tonight is also a celebration of all the different ways we have shown up for each other over th...
filled with cycle after cycle of painful hesitation and bad choices. Yet I know people who have made poor choices and then tried to make better choices and only caused themselves more grief just like the characters in this book. For me, it was a gripping tale of woe. Ironically, the Clos...
Welcome to year four of everything I’m reading, watching and listening to in regard to the multiple planetary crises’ we face (the polycrisis), as well as articles on important social issues, because how societies function is fundamental if we want to have a stable e...
etc. at hand and that function quite nicely for usage in both the OF/EF axis for the most part. As WO noted with his "ad nauseaum" quip, and Jeffrey Tucker frequently rails about, "we" are still in our desert pilgrimage looking for accomodations, not necessarily a final destination, ...
This cycle of invasion and resistance has been repeated in many other regions of the world which lie on the periphery of expanding empires. This doesn’t make them some sort of elite warriors. Soviets were expelled because of CIA/Pakistani assistance. If Pakistan wasn’t there, there...
“If you have a 6 month sales cycle, then doing nothing today guarantees you will have nothing 6 months from now.” “Mentoring can be two-way.” “Don’t let the limitations of others define you.” “I don’t know” used to mean you were dumb or ignorant, now it just means you...
This year’s MERL Tech included several sessions on Responsible Data, including Responsible Data Policies, the Human Element of the Data Cycle, The Changing Nature of Informed Consent, Remote Monitoring in Fragile Environments and plenary talks that mentioned ethics, privacy and consent as integral pi...
as you swung the dial of an evening, you used to be .able to pass two or three stations carrying the mesmerizing mttt- ter of the Ave Idarias, which vesper congregations all over the city were pouring out in a never-ending cycle. But the congregations have thinned and their intensely ...