The second season of Jujutsu Kaisen introduces us to young Gojo and Geto while opening a whole new can of mysteries. One such mystery that will be introduced in the first episode is the concept of a star plasma vessel in Jujutsu Kaisen. It isrelated to Master Tengen, which anime-only view...
Barou had awakened as a player early on in the series when he paired up withNagi Seishiroand Isagi against Reo Mikage, Kunigami Rensuke, and Chigiri Hyoma. However, it was during the Neo-Egoist League that he truly evolved, both on and off the pitch. Barou scored in 3 of the 4 matc...
Enter Yuta Okkotsu, a then-16-year-old who is haunted by the powerful curse of Rika, a childhood love who was killed six years prior before his very eyes and ended up being the curse that has protected him even if not by choice. TOHO animation This relationship dramatically changes...