The maximum amount you can charge in a single transaction is999999.99in any currency besides IDR. So for example, the USD maximum is$999,999.99, the EUR maximum is€999,999.99, and so on foralmostevery supported currency. The one exception to this rule is the Indonesian rupiah (IDR). In...
Coinhills is maintaining the stable and high performing crawler which makes it possible to gather a lot of live tickers from over 80 exchanges in the world. We hope this CSPA represents the rational and standard index of the digital currency prices, not only for the specific trade-concentrated...
The reports cite leading Turkish retail chains ByM BirleE-ik May-azalar A.E[currency]. Watchdog criticizes false reports on Bank Asya in belated statement In a release to Bourse ystanbul (BIST), Turkish discount retailer ByM and GE[micro]zde GiriE-im, a subsidiary of food giant Yyldyz Ho...