#GamerGate is a scandal, much like Watergate was a scandal. Some would say it thus makes no sense to call someone pro-#GamerGate. After all, everyone opposes corruption and cover-ups. While that makes sense in theory, in reality the terms pro- and anti- are being used. Generally speaking...
It's largely terminology. The new regulations under special counsels are currently appointed refer to the position as a "special counsel." When the function was created, in response to the Watergate investigation, it was known as "special prosecutor", and the individual was appointed by a judici...
and take nothing but pictures’. I am aware that taking anything even if it was to preserve it would be committing a crime worse than the trespassing they committed just by being there in the first place, but, shouldn’t someone contact a museum, a historical society...
On Aug. 9, 1974, President Richard Nixon resigned over his role in the Watergate scandal. "I hope that I will have hastened the start of the process of healing,” Nixon said in his final speech from the Oval Office. This Getty Images photo depicts the 37th president's farewells to Wh...
Watergate’s “Deep Throat” comes to mind. But note how journalistic standards have slipped: Woodward and Bernstein spent many months tracking down corroborating evidence that proved Deep Throat’s assertions. They didn’t just report the leaked information as hearsay....
Maloney’s prison record listed him as 5-foot-9 and 145 pounds. He was not from another planet, but he was from another time. When he entered prison, Dwight Eisenhower was president; when he came out, the Watergate burglary had been committed. ...
Nixon’s sorry act was committed in full public view (if you haven’t seen the video of his mendacious little speech, you should). Nixon was forced to resign, and his name lives in infamy forever—but not for this. His scandal at Watergate was about the petty (by comparison) crime of...
Peale was also very close to the Nixons and Married Julie to David Eisenhower not to mention ministered to the family during the Watergate troubles. Lucille Ball married her second husband at Marble Collegiate. Liza Minnelli married David Gest here. It goes on. Marble Collegiate Facade. Perhaps...
Carter, the classic anti-establishmentarian as president, came to Washington in the wake of the Nixon-Watergate scandal with the stated mission of disassembling the Washington establishment. In contemporary parlance, one might say, he aimed to drain the swamp. In assembling his Cabinet, he sought...
stonewalling where they simply wouldn’t release the birth certificate, now they have done something much worse, which would be regarded as an impeachable offense if a Republican president had done it (as, indeed, similar evidence-tampering was regarded when Nixon did it in the Watergate years)...