to obtain money or another item of value from another person. Many jurisdictions classify extortion as a “crime against property or a theft-related offense, but the threat of harm to a person is an essential element of the offense. This could consist of physical harm, financial harm, destru...
Cyber crime is a general term describing the myriad of criminal activities carried out using a computer, network, or another set of digital devices. Consider cyber crime the umbrella over the vast range of illegal activities that cyber criminals commit. These include hacking, phishing, identity the...
Statistically, it's more likely that possession of a firearm will lead to an accident rather than preventing a crime. Bybrowncoat— On Sep 21, 2014 @Fa5t3r - Unfortunately, we live in a world where guns are not difficult to get hold of, legally, or illegally, and banning the average...
A trojan creates a backdoor in your system, allowing the attacker to gain control of your computer or access confidential information. Wiper Attacks A wiper attack is a form of malware whose intention is to wipe the hard drive of the computer it infects. Intellectual Property Theft Int...
Who defined crime as mischief? As per the Section 425 of the Indian Penal Code,1860(hereinafter referred to as IPC) that whenever anyone performs an act either having an intention to cause or is aware that his act is likely to bring, some destruction or damage to any property, destroying ...
The flyers warned people of the intent of destruction that would soon follow if the people (trapped as they were) did not simply “leave”. This demonstrated pre-meditated intent to cause harm and the warning of death and destruction of property belonging to civilians. Regarding the use of ...
But if you ask them to make a list of anti social behaviours, you are getting into an area where there is going to be considerable disagreement This didn’t stop the UK government which introduced Anti-Social Behaviour Orders, or ASBOs, in 1998 as part of the Crime and Disorder Act –...
What Is Tangible Property? Family What Is a Life Tenant? Related Articles Discussion Comments MyLawQuestions, in your inbox Our latest articles, guides, and more, delivered daily. Subscribe Categories Procedures Criminal Civil Evidence Contract ...
Ransomware is defined and categorized by how it is delivered and what it impacts. Delivery includes ransomware as a service (RaaS), automated delivery (not as a service) and human-operated delivery. The impact could be data unavailability, data destruction, data deletion, and data exfiltration an...
During proceedings for at leastthreeof the more than 35 defendants charged with the destruction of government property, the government said their crimes amounted to "terrorism" — an allegation that is not itself a charge but could influence prison sentences if they are found guilty. ...