notes Lew. And while you may want French fries up until the day you deliver, generally speaking, pregnancy cravings tend to peak during the second trimester before dropping off in the third.
Wondering what your weird pregnancy food cravings mean? We spoke to the experts to find out what really causes pregnancy food cravings.
Having some serious pregnancy cravings? It's perfectly normal and very common, but the reasons behind it are difficult to pin down.
“Cravings in women have been shown to increase in frequency and intensity at two distinct times: during the perimenstrum (i.e., a period of about eight days around the onset of menstruation) and in pregnancy,” say researchers of a study published inFrontiers of Psychology. About half of ...
Anything that's unlike the normal white discharge you're used to is worth mentioning to your provider. Vaginal discharge that's different – in color, smell, or amount – could be a sign of a vaginal infection or other problem. (Vaginal infections are more common during pregnancy.) ...
Changes to your food preferences ie developing cravings or a strong dislike to certain foods Constipation Nauseaand/orvomiting Headaches,fatigueand/or mood swings Urinating more often Vaginal spotting (implantation bleeding) In some cases, early pregnancy may feel as if your period is ...
There is, however, a class of pregnancy cravings that is all its own. These are the odd or even downright bizarre cravings that seem to occur only during pregnancy. They may be for foods that the expectant mother didn’t even enjoy prior to being pregnant. They appear during pregnancy (us...
Possible Signs and Symptoms of a Twin Pregnancy The Early Warning Signs of Pregnancy Breasts Tender Before Missed Period: Early Pregnancy Sign? 15 Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy How to Recognize the Signs of Pregnancy While Breastfeeding...
Avoiding certain foods during pregnancy is essential to protect the overall health and safety of you and your developing baby. Learn what not to eat while pregnant and why.
Suddenfood aversions or cravings If you have these, ask your doctor if you’re pregnant or think about taking an at-home pregnancy test. What Are the Outcomes of a Cryptic Pregnancy? Having regular checkups and good prenatal care help women and their babies be healthy. But if you don’t ...