However, when information at the individual-level is needed, researchers may need to resort to observation from a distance to collect fresh faeces as soon as an individual defecates (Upland geese Chloephaga picta leucoptera [69]; Barbary macaques Macaca sylvanus [93]; red deer Cervus elaphus ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook AcronymDefinition FACUFlorida Association of Colleges and Universities FACUFederación de Asociaciones de Catedráticos de Universidad FACUFacultative Upland(plant species) FACUFirearms Association of Carleton University(Canada) ...
The vascular flora and vegetational communities of Lick Creek Summit Nature Preserve in Wayne County, Indiana Keywords: Wayne County, Hayes Arboretum, Floristic Quality Index (FQI), county records--vascular plants, plant communities, beech-maple forest, floodplain woods, upland woods, successional woods...