References in periodicals archive ? * A jurisdiction-wide policy was enacted by the MOVHD to encourage placement of FFVs in convenience stores. * The MOVHD hired a contractor to document all trails in the sixcounty region (existing or under development). Change the future WV More results ...
The suburbs are also a big problem, he said, “because it’s extremely difficult to manage deer populations in those areas. We can’t go in there in most cases and hunt like we do in more rural areas.” States with the biggest deer problems Deer graze at Fort Boreman Park in Parkersb...
PCHS Parkersburg Catholic High School (West Virginia) PCHS Procurement of Computer Hardware and Software PCHS Perry County High School (Tennessee) PCHS Pendleton County High School (Franklin, WV) PCHS Parkway Central High School PCHS Purchase of Computer Hardware and Software (US VA) PCHS Philippine...
adm. administrative penin. Peninsula betw. between pop. population boro. borough poss. possession cap(s). capital(s) prot. protectorate CEN. central prov. province co. county reg. region col. colony s south(ern) ctr. center SE southeast(ern) dept. department sq. mi. square mile(s) dis...
CCMH Campbell County Memorial Hospital (Gillette, WY) CCMH Concentration Corpusculaire Moyenne en Hémoglobine (French: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration) CCMH Comanche County Memorial Hospital CCMH Camden Clark Memorial Hospital (Parkersburg, WV) CCMH Crawford County Memorial Hospital (Iowa) CC...
PKB Parkersburg / Marietta, WV, USA - Wood County (Airport Code) PKB Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (National Awakening Party, Indonesia) PKB Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (Indonesia) PKB Package Body File (Oracle) Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved. Suggest new definition Want to...
AcronymDefinition P&WCPL Parkersburg and Wood County Public Library (Parkersburg, WV) Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved. Suggest new definitionWant to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free...