Located on South Bass Island in Lake Erie, Put-in-Bay is a popular summer destination for those looking for an Island party scene, but is also a great place to take your dog for patios, fun walks and sight-seeing. I decided to plan my trip in September, thinking it would be less cr...
Located on South Bass Island in Lake Erie, Put-in-Bay is a popular summer destination for those looking for an Island party scene, but is also a great place to take your dog for patios, fun walks and sight-seeing. I decided to plan my trip in September, thinking it would be less cr...
This is my piece of the puzzle. This information was received by me in an intuitive, co-creative process with the Universe because I really wanted to know the truth of who built the megaliths, and it led to all the information I shared in my video and much more. It is clear to me ...
Broadlands isa planned communitywith highly rated schools in Ashburn, Loudoun County, midway between Dulles International Airport and the town of Leesburg. It was named acertified wildlife habitat communityby the National Wildlife Federation, part of an effort to make communities greener and friendlier ...
Downtown shopping is so much fun in Traverse City and there are several really good restaurants to choose from. One of our favorite restaurants in Traverse City is the Apache Trout Grill. Traverse City has beautiful sunsets over the bay and excellent golf courses too....
adm. administrative penin. Peninsula betw. between pop. population boro. borough poss. possession cap(s). capital(s) prot. protectorate CEN. central prov. province co. county reg. region col. colony s south(ern) ctr. center SE southeast(ern) dept. department sq. mi. square mile(s) dis...