While doing-so and after taking the truck/bike out for a shake-down drive to make sure everything was holding fast and secure, I discovered the 12-year-old 6” Sea Sucker suction-cup mount that is one of two I use to hold the rear wheel of the tandem in place on the roof of the...
Phil Buchanan lives in Bolinas with his wife, Judy. He has retired from his 25-year career with the Bolinas Public Utility District, the last 23 as G.M. Phil has two children, a daughter, Briana, who is a firefighter with the Marin County Fire Dept., and a son, Robert, who teach...
AcronymDefinition CeGSCentre for Guidance Studies(UK) CeGSCenter of Excellence in Genomic Science CeGSCorps of Engineers Guide Specification CeGSCulturally Equitable Gateways Strategy(Australia) CeGSCampus Eugenio Garza Sada(Monterrey, Mexico) CeGSCapture Effect Glide Slope(US FAA) ...