On the morning of August 4, 1892, Lizzie Borden murdered her stepmother with an axe in the Borden’s Fall River, Massachusetts family home. Abby Borden’s body was found in the guest room between the bed and bureau. Soon after, Lizzie axed her father, Andrew Borden, to death. While th...
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Soon "Massachusetts" described the entire state and when the founding fathers ratified the U.S. Constitution in 1788, the name was still attached and Massachusetts officially became the first state with a Native American name. Jonathan the Tortoise Is Older Than These Historic Massachusetts Staples ...
The incident is being referred to as "the Bayville Mystery Boom" and according to reports from my Co-Host Sue Moll, and other area residents, it occurred in the Bayville section of Ocean County. At least it was heard in the Bayville section of Berkeley Township, New Jersey. Sign up fo...
On the morning of August 4, 1892, Lizzie Borden murdered her stepmother with an axe in the Borden’s Fall River, Massachusetts family home. Abby Borden’s body was found in the guest room between the bed and bureau. Soon after, Lizzie axed her father, Andrew Borden, to death. While th...
They take him to a nearby hotel and question him about Kentucky, asking what county he is from, about its county seat, about the names of the surrounding counties. Finally he gives up, telling them he is a Union soldier but will only discuss his mission if he is taken to proper ...
Interstate:I-90is 275 miles from the southwest corner to the southeast corner of the state US Highway:US-75is 410 miles from the Minnesota-Iowa state border in the south to Kittson County in the north, and US-71 is 399 miles from the Minnesota-Iowa state border in the south to Intern...
Because Patriots' Day is an official Massachusetts State holiday, most state, county, municipal offices, and schools are closed - which helps alleviate some of the commuter traffic into Boston and enables more people to watch the race.
The Mighty USS Massachusetts Traci Taylor The Mighty USS Massachusetts The mightly USS Massachusetts can be seen from the shore, her sheer size simply astounding. The USS Fall River Traci Taylor The USS Fall River The USS Fall River used to be over 600 feet long but today, only the bow of...
There is something that each and every one of us has experienced, whether you have been driving for one year or 40 years. Something that just happens from time to time and we give it very little thought as we continue down the road. What are those black cables that are occasionally stret...