Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who spoke on stage on Monday and mentioned the war, wrote on X.“The @DNC must change course and affirm our shared humanity.” Ocasio-Cortez was echoed by the United Auto Workers union and at least five members of the House: Rep. Maxwell Frost of ...
- BY Jp CORTEZ Read More More than 100 million fully jabbed Americans now suffer from irreversible heart damage: Dr. Thomas Levy Dr. Thomas Levy: "Scientific literature indicates that myocarditis is occurring quite frequently in patients harbouring the chronic presence of the covid-related spike ...
Kit Carson County Jail in Burlington Lake County Jail in Leadville La Plata County Jail in Durango Larimer County Jail in Fort Collins Lincoln County Jail in Hugo Mesa County Jail in Grand Junction Moffat County Jail in Craig Montezuma County Jail in Cortez Montrose County Jail in Montrose Morgan...
In Nevada, Cortez Masto trails Republican Adam Laxalt by about 3 points with around 80 percent of the expected vote reporting, but critically, most of the votes left in Clark County (Las Vegas) and elsewhere are mail-in ballots, which generally lean Democratic. Still, it will take these ...
What a blessing that no other parent will have to endure the terror that my wife and I and thou- sands of others shared that August." —Morton Chapman, Sarasota, Florida Source: Reprinted from U.S. Public Health Service. For a Healthy Nation: Returns on Investments in Public Health. ...
for most of his adult life — and, in the years since his presidency, has bounced between his sunny Florida resort and political rallies brimming with adoring fans. But this spring, he’ll have to spend most weekdays in a drab 15th floor county courtroom in a city with very litt...
Recent polls show that Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez does well in a mayoral lineup. Advertisement The Public Advocate Special Election held a few weeks ago is for a provisional period. Victor Jumaane Williams has to prepare for a primary in September, then the November election to ...
New York representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, too, has been rumoured as apotential fill-in for Biden. But a hard, populist leftist, without the cross-over appeal of left-wing Vermont senator Bernie Sanders, would almost certainly guarantee a Trump victory. ...
6. According to the New York Times with more than 95 percent of the vote reported, Taylor is still barely clinging onto first place with 48.7 percent of the vote, while former Collin County Judge Keith Self sits at roughly 27 percent. The 8th District: In the hard-fought Republican ...
we have to continue protesting, but we also have to go out and vote." According to Kantar/CMAG data, the 30-second version of the ad is now airing in Spokane, Washington. Williams is the daughter of former Florida House Representative Alan Williams and Leon County School Board attorney Opal...