Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who spoke on stage on Monday and mentioned the war, wrote on X.“The @DNC must change course and affirm our shared humanity.” Ocasio-Cortez was echoed by the United Auto Workers union and at least five members of the House: Rep. Maxwell Frost of ...
Mercury Public Affairs is co-chaired by Susie Wiles, the Florida Republican who isamong those considered contenders to become Trump’s chief of staffif he wins a second term. The firmpocketed$700,000 in 2024and$200,000 in2023from Gotion, according to lobbying...
Jackson County Jail in Walden Kit Carson County Jail in Burlington Lake County Jail in Leadville La Plata County Jail in Durango Larimer County Jail in Fort Collins Lincoln County Jail in Hugo Mesa County Jail in Grand Junction Moffat County Jail in Craig Montezuma County Jail in Cortez Montrose...
Registered and eligible voters can vote at an early voting location located in their county of residence. You can find your voting locations via yourcounty's website. To vote by mail, your application must be received by February 23. If you vote by mail, those ballots must be postmarked b...
- BY Jp CORTEZ Read More More than 100 million fully jabbed Americans now suffer from irreversible heart damage: Dr. Thomas Levy Dr. Thomas Levy: "Scientific literature indicates that myocarditis is occurring quite frequently in patients harbouring the chronic presence of the covid-related spike ...
& 17. I read that you have to be 18 to get a driver’s licenses in CR. However, if you have a driver’s license in another county, you can drive on it while your tourist visa is good (90 days). Do you know if they will be able to drive in CR using their US licenses while...
Nevada:"Laxalt appears to have the upper hand in this race: like all Dem candidates, [Catherine Cortez Masto] is struggling with inflation, which is hitting middle class workers in Clark County hard. Laxalt is running as an outsider, but with the name recognition of a well established ...
In the Democratic primary for governor in Ohio, we now have some votes out of Hamilton County, which should be where former Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley makes up some ground against Nan Whaley. But! Whaley is actually narrowly ahead in the first batch of votes to be counted. That’s not...
Veronica Escobar, who is endorsed by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, beat back her lone challenger. How progressives are doing this election House and governor candidates endorsed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Indivisible, Justice Democrats, Our Revolution, the Progressive Change ...
for most of his adult life — and, in the years since his presidency, has bounced between his sunny Florida resort and political rallies brimming with adoring fans. But this spring, he’ll have to spend most weekdays in a drab 15th floor county courtroom in a city with very lit...