The community and the street are named for Lake Carroll, which in turn was named in the 1800s for Charles Carroll of Carrollton (the name he used to distinguish himself from his father, Charles Carroll of Annapolis). Charles was born in 1737 into a wealthy Catholic family in Annapolis, Mar...
Annapolis.Mason City city, N Iowa 50401*; pop. 29,040.Mason-Dixon Line boundary betw. Pennsylvania and Maryland, surveyed by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon in 1763; regarded as the division line for the North and the South, United States....
annapolis anna ankles angrily andrena ancestor anarchy analyst amusement amendments ambush ambiguities alternately alterations alteration alpha alma algae ala airy airborne aiding agreeing afloat affiliated aerosol aeration adolescents adlai adaptations activation acids acetate accruing accreditation accomplishment ...