s true. Their desire to break rules can unlock new frontiers. But we also need their behavior to be constrained by checks and balances. We, as individuals, are a part of those checks and balances. Our followership, on Twitter and in all other spaces, counts and should be given with ...
So every minute counts, not only in terms of the money spent but relative to the outcome of the session. This means leaving extra time for solving problems. There are always problems. Things always take longer than expected. There’s even a name for this: The Planning Fallacy. Producers ...
But if you’re not where you want to be, and you are telling yourself that “little bites don’t matter,” I can tell you they do.It all matters and counts and once you see it, it can be empowering. It’s a mindset shift. So many people struggle to track it all. It’s ...
He flips it open, counts the pieces inside, and snaps it shut again. I watch as he clears a space on the ground, props open the twin screens, and starts to arrange his pieces. “What are you doing?” I ask. My voice is rough. “Setting up my army,” he says. He motions with...
We, as individuals, are a part of those checks and balances. Our followership, on Twitter and in all other spaces, counts and should be given with consideration.Doublethink May 31, 2021 quotes To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully ...
Academy choose the other ways, the synthetic, the radiation and both, usually given, to patients which stem cell counts lower than 10% of there original amount. This lack of the body to recovery due to lack of amount of stem cells to recover, is the true, irony. They know, that 97%...
Despite the way I sound, I am a very shy person. I don't, as a rule, go dancing in the streets. But I have a few close friends (and a really fun spouse) with whom I CAN do those things. Those friends keep me alive! I wouldn't trade them for ten million dollars!
Found guilty on thirteen counts of premeditated homicide, Danny and I were sentenced to concurrent life sentences without parole. Aaron was sentenced to 15 years in a maximum-security facility. After reciting the sentences, the judge looked down at me and said, “Mr. Drexel, you should know ...
Time is money, and this is especially true during recording sessions. Often, the studio is rented by the hour or by the day, and the musicians and the engineer are paid by the hour or the day. So every minute counts, not only in terms of the money spent but relative to the outcome...
(b) extracting some cash from the pocketbook of an interior decorator as she inspects our house, because we think she is overcharging us; (c) stealing a kidney for a friend who needs a transplant; (d) selling all we have and giving it to the poor. It isn’t that we weigh the ...