When it comes tocryptocurrencies and exchanges, reputation counts. Before you even go so far as to create an account or connect your wallet, take time to research the exchange you're considering thoroughly. What do other users say about the exchange? What does the exchange say about itself?
Data processing—tracking specific operations performed on the data and their results. For example, the data system reads a text file, applies a filter, counts values from a specific column, and writes to another table. Each data processing stage is analyzed separately to identify errors or secu...
Consequently, custody transfers raise questions such as "who is family?" and "who is a parent?" This qualitative interview study with custodians and young people who have experienced custody transfer highlights that who counts as family and as a parent is ambiguous. This article dra...
If you’re seeking an unlimited way to save money for your child, UTMA and UGMA accounts can be useful tools. Be sure to understand your roles and responsibilities as a fiduciary if you’re appointed custodian since you’ll want to abide by the law while doing the right thing for your ...