Example of a scholarly source: tips for use in articles or essays. Explanation of the types of sources and their characteristics. Read the article and use it to your advantage.
(2015), "Open to influence: what counts as academic influence in scholarly networked Twitter participation", Learning, Media and Technology, Vol. 40 No. 3, pp. 287-309.Stewart, B. (2015). Open to influence: what counts as academic influence in scholarly networked Twitter participation. ...
To avoid plagiarism, it can be tempting to include a citation for every sentence, but in some cases over-citation can weaken your academic writing. If you are unsure whether or not a statement counts as common knowledge, ask yourself the questions below.Who is my reader, and what can I ...
Taking a share so great that some of it spoils in your possession counts as a kind of “robbery” from others, but there is a way to gather more than one immediately needs legitimately. If a person is able to “give away a part to any body else, so that it perished not uselessly ...
“Make progress on my dissertation” doesn’t cut it because “progress” is very vague. What counts? How do you know if you’ve successfully achieved the goal? In principle, one additional character in your dissertation file could count as “progress.” But at this rate, your project will...
Unfortunately, the development of publication-based indicators (such as publication counts, citation counts, h-factors, or impact factors) has pushed the research publication system to its limits. Many researchers now submit papers ‘to get a publication’, spurred on by tenure-track criteria, ...
First, what counts as a complex decision? And second, what counts as a good outcome? As social psychologist Kurt Lewin (1890 - 1947) noted, a ‘good’ decision that nobody respects is actually bad. His classic studies of decision making showed that participating in deliberative processes ...
“intellectual diversity” for state universities, defined as “multiple, divergent and varied scholarly perspectives on an extensive range of public policy issues”. Oversight is entrusted to university boards, many of whose members are appointed by the state governor – an office that has been ...
counts on average 80 skills per occupation. Furthermore, for reskilling, complementarity is a fundamental feature, as we do not build our skill set from scratch but rather, incrementally, add new skills to existing capacities. In this process, economic efficiency is relevant, as we, ideally, ...
The last period from 2017 to 2020 has witnessed a substantial increase in the number of published articles as compared to the first two periods. At the time of writing (November 2020), the number of articles published in a year has already peaked, and it is expected that scholarly ...