Zekro:Seven years ago, I opened Finland Home Cafe to introduce Finnish (芬兰的) culture to our Chinese friends through food and music. One meaningful activity we hold every week is Happy Home Club. It is open from 7:00 p. m. to 8:30 p.m. on Fridays. It’s for everybody who lov...
What do you know about the Northern European country of Finland(芬兰)? You may have heard of the Northern Lights(极光)and Nokia? Today Finland is also a world leader in making mobile games. The popular games Angry Birds and Clash of clans(部落冲突)are both from Finnish companies. ...
When Finnish children are asked thisquestion, the answer goes like this,“When you get a job, find a wife andhave some money,you're successful",or “Everyone is pretty and equal(平等的),and nobody is the most outstanding”.This is a country where people are so confident about their ...
But what is Finland famous for beyond this lauded lifestyle? Read on to discover more about Finnish culture and the country’s global contributions, from technological innovations and sauna sessions to seafood and summer celebrations. Helsinki’s Senate Square Senate Square, Helsinki Helsinki, Finland...
The character of Finnish political culture stems from the country's specific position as a polity which emerged in the interface between Sweden and Russia. Western, or Scandinavian, by institutions and...
But a wide range of books is also available for purchase all over the country, and people from all socio-economic levels take pride in book ownership. Though this vital interest in books is not a recent development, since Finnish people have long been known as book lovers and book owners,...
Ross MW, Berg RC, Schmidt AJ, Hospers HJ, Breveglieri M, Furegato M, Weatherburn P: Internalised homonegativity predicts HIV-associated risk behavior in European men who have sex with men in a 38-country cross-sectional study: some public health implications of homophobia. BMJ Open. 2013...
Finnish food is simple, comforting, and delicious. Fish, bread and berries are staples in traditional Finnish dishes. Read more... Finland is Fighting Homelessness The Nordic country is devoted to putting Housing First for their citizens, the name being adopted from the U.S.�s homelessness...
What is the Finnish word for language?Finnish Language:The Finnish term for 'language' also means 'tongue.' When using it in context, take into account that Finnish nouns have declensions, which means that they take different endings depending on their function....
For more information, see(AUT, BEL, DEU, ESP, FIN, FRA, ITA, NLD) Create a country/region-specific SEPA credit transfer payment file. Generate the Finnish sales tax payment report in a foreign currency. You can set up a foreign currency for a sales tax code and then generate a sales ...