In 1946, French clothing designers Jacques Heim and Louis Réard introduced a groundbreaking two-piece swimsuit design featuring a bra top and two triangles of fabric on the bottom tied at the hips. They named the creation the “bikini” drawing inspiration from Bikini Atoll, where the U.S. ...
"It is safe to walk on all of the islands...The Advisory Group reaffirmed: although the residual radioactivity on islands in Bikini Atoll is still higher than on other atolls in the Marshall islands, it is not hazardous to health at the levels measured. Indeed, there are many places in ...
that windshield glass is nice and clean and devoid of streaks that might obstruct your view. Or, because of Louisiana's less-than-optimal road conditions, hopefully, you aren't straining to see through a crack or a star in your windshield either, which can be just as...
Since Maldives is a Muslim country, you are not allowed to wear a bikini outside of a designated beach on a local island. Such beaches are the so-called “Bikini Beach). The bikini beach is sectioned – wearing swimwear without a cover-up is not allowed outside It’s found on all lo...
The country abounds in grapes, yet they buy, at a great price, bad wine made in Boston…” Richard Henry Dana, “Two Years Before the Mast.” 1830 Richard Henry Dana Jr. 1815-1882 Old Juan, the Mayordomo opened the door at the knock. Sitting their horses outside were Capitan ...
23,093.Bikini atoll, Marshall Islands: 2 sq. mi.; site of US nuclear tests, July 1946.Billerica town, NE Massachusetts 01821; pop. 37,609.Billings city, CEN. Montana 59011*; pop. 81,151.Biloxi city, SE Mississippi 39530*; pop. 46,319....