What country invented the compass?The Importance of the Compass:Before GPS and paper maps, the compass was essential to travel, trade and exploration. A compass uses the earth's magnetic poles to show the directions of north, south, east and west. The first compass was invented thousands of...
What year was the MP3 player invented? Where was the first smartphone invented? Who invented the first cell phone? What year was the radio invented? What country was the cell phone invented in? What year did the tv get invented? How was the first cell phone invented?
The astronomical history of feng shui is evident in the development of its instruments and techniques. Chinese used circumpolar stars to determine the north–south axis of settlements, and would use angles of the setting and rising sun to determine north. Ancient Chinese astrolabe The oldest example...
Who invented the rugby ball? What year was the first iPhone invented? What year was Hello Kitty invented? What year was cable television invented? Who invented the tennis ball? What year was the internet invented? What country invented lacrosse?
Which country invented tennis? What year was volleyball invented? Who invented the tennis ball? Who invented the tennis racket? What year was golf invented? What year was hockey invented? What year was Pong invented by Atari? What year was bowling invented? Which country invented table tennis?