Country Code: A country code is a numerical prefix that is used in order to place a telephone call to a particular country. For example, if you are in the United States and would like to call Australia, the country code for Australia is 61. ...
人口密度或郵件量低、資源有限、歷史原因或地理編碼等替代方法的國家可能沒有郵政編碼系統。如果您所在的國家/地區沒有官方郵政編碼系統,您可以使用“N/A”或“00000”作為替代。 為什麼我們要使用郵政編碼? 郵政編碼是郵政系統的重要組成部分,可以識別收件人的位置。 它有助於將郵件快速準確地投遞到正確的地址,減少...
What is home country code?国家代码是什么?每个国家都有一个国家代号,文雅点说,就叫成了:国家代码 打国际长途的时候是一定用得到的!00+国家代码+区号+电话号码 例如中国的国家代码是 86 那么就是0086+区号+要拨打的电话号码 如果是手机,就不用加上区号了,就是 00+国家代码+手机号码 下面是...
If you’re calling from abroad, it’s a different process. If you call the UK Embassy in Washington, DC, for example, the local number is (202) 588-6500. To call the embassy from the UK, you’d dial: 00 - the exit code to dial outside the States 1 - the US country code 202...
Cook Is. 库克群岛 CK 682 -18.3 Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加 CR 506 -14 Cuba 古巴 CU 53 -13 Cyprus 塞浦路斯 CY 357 -6 Czech Republic 捷克 CZ 420 -7 Denmark 丹麦 DK 45 -7 Djibouti 吉布提 DJ 253 -5 Dominica Rep. 多米尼加共和国 DO 1890 -13 Ecuador 厄瓜多尔 EC 593 -13 Egypt...
The ultimate guide Importing and exporting goods into Malaysia and working with the country’s customs almost always come with cumbersome processes and paperwork. That includes Malaysia, which also requires businesses to declare the trade goods using an important identifier: HS code. ...
1.Acountry codewas initially a two letter abbreviation for a country or region, used as atop-level domain. See ourInternet domain suffixesfor a full listing of country codes. 2.For aDVD(Digital Versatile Disc), acountry codeis a restriction set by motion picture studios to help control when...
USA, Canada, Brazil. North America, Asia, Europe. 13 Governance Has its own governing body. No specific governance; made up of individual countries. 5 Associated Concepts Culture, language, government. Geography, landmass, region. 5 Compare with Definitions Country A distinct territorial body with...
The Harmonized System (HS) code is a categorization system created, developed, and maintained by the World Customs Organisation (WCO). Every commodity is tagged to an HS code, and the code assigned to it is internationally recognised in almost every country and is commonly used in customs to...
For example, Barclays’ bank code is “BARC”. Country code. Two letters are then used to identify the country the bank can be found in. Great Britain appears as “GB”. Other country codes include: US – The USA CA – Canada AU – Australia DE – Germany JP – Japan Location code....