Please explain why these countries had an increase in militarism during the interwar phase and give evidence to support the case. How did life change for women during World War II? What effect did the Bolshevik Revolution...
Our calendar might decree January 1 as New Year’s Day, but many of our citizens whose cultural heritage hails from Eastern Asian countries follow the lead of China and celebrate on the first new moon of every year, otherwise known as Lunar New Year. This puts those New Year’s ...
The Russian empire was unlike any major European country but was nonetheless trying to catch up to countries like England and Germany. What went wrong? Related to this QuestionWhat happened to the Ottoman Empire during WW1? What happened to the Austrian Empire after WWI? What happened to the ...
Question: What communication technology was used during World War 1? Communication Advancements Prior to World War I, communications between those on the battlefield and those elsewhere were rudimentary. Generals would send human and animal messengers. This was a dangerous approach, but during wartime...
Fighting Fjords: The second world war involved nearly every country on earth. The Nazis tried to invade and take over western Europe, and they were met with resistance in nearly every country they wanted to invade. Some of the leaders of these countries were able to flee and support their ...
They agreed with most of the treaty that was presented to them, after the negotiations with Britain and France; however, they had an issue with the League of Nations. They did not want the United States to have to answer to the League or be tied to other countries. They believed that ...
In their plan for the invasion of France and the Low Countries, the Germans kept General Wilhelm von Leeb's Army Group C facing the Maginot Line so as to deter the French from diverting forces from it, while launching Bock's Army Group B into the basin of the Lower Maas River north ...
In Poland, as well as in some other countries of Eastern Europe, knights (noblemen, the Polish szlachta) were called for war (pospolite ruszenie) until the end of the 18th century, or until the end of the (Saxon times). Do Dragoons ride dragons?
“Other countries don’t do this. They play rugby. They flip it back. They play soccer. They kick it,” Esiason said during the NFL Films production “A Football Life: The Forward Pass.” “We Americans are all about freedom and liberty. We can flip it back. We can kick it. But ...
Europe to fight in World War I. Few alarms went off indicating that this was something to be taken seriously. Due to the war, most countries involved gave it little attention because they wanted to keep their fighting resolve in high gear. The only attention it got was when it swept ...