Widespread availability of the vaccine will be the key factor in any decisions made about reviving the travel industry. Right now, many countries require proof of negative results from a rapid blood test or the more accurate PCR test before granting entry to tourists and business ...
With striking speed, the United Kingdom has become the first country to approve a COVID-19 vaccine that has been tested in a large clinical trial. On 2 December, UK regulators granted emergency-use authorization to a vaccine from drug firms Pfizer and BioNTech, just seven months after the ...
An approved COVID-19 shot is still months away, but the CDC already is preparing for the widespread rollout of any vaccine that receives FDA approval. At least 70% of adults in an area need to take a COVID-19 vaccine to achieve herd immunity, according to researchers' estimates. But up...
For that reason, these groups were prioritized when the COVID-19 vaccine first became available and supplies were limited. More recently, there's been a rise in cases among adolescents and young adults. "There are differences in the demographic and risk factors of individuals who are getting ...
Follow directions after you receive a COVID-19 vaccine. You can become infected even after you get the vaccine. You may also be able to pass the virus to others without knowing you are infected. Check local, national, and international travel rules. Some countries require proof of a negative...
What do I need to know about COVID-19 vaccines?Healthcare providers recommend a COVID-19 vaccine, even if your child has already had COVID-19. Let your child's healthcare provider know when your child has received the final dose of the vaccine. Make a copy of the vaccination card....
For visitors and tourist,China does not require any particular vaccines unless you are arriving from a country that has a high risk of yellow fever. If you are traveling through or are a citizen of one of these countries with yellow fever risk, which are all located in Africa, Central & ...
Njira Lugogo, M.D., is a pulmonologist at the University of Michigan who is leading a clinical study of an investigational COVID-19 vaccine candidate. She helps answer common questions people may have about the process, from what people over 60 need to know to how participants are being ke...
COVID-19 Vaccine (July 2021 Edition) up to 10 different COVID-19 vaccines generate an immune reaction that protects them from re-infection safe for most individuals over the age of 18 High blood pressure bronchitis kidney you should be immunized if you're advised ...
(If the vaccine is mandatory) they’ll have to come in for a consultation and we can talk to them about other risks in that destination. “In western countries, we tend to be cavalier, but perhaps people will respect how serious viruses can be now. “Everyone’s had a wake-up ...