Power. Addressing physical challenges to emission abatement in power is fundamental to the entire energy transition. That’s because abating emissions in the sectors that consume the most energy—mobility, industry, and buildings—will require a sweeping shift toward electrification. Managing the growth...
When it comes to recycling in SA, we get to look at the glass both half-empty and half-full. According toConsol, we consume over 3.1 tonnes of glass and that’s just in one year, it goes without saying that this is a glass-half-empty dilemma. If we look at the glass half-full,...
A hybrid solar system has additional advantages over grid-tied systems in locations where net metering programs are unavailable or financially unrewarding. Without net metering, you can’t sell electricity in excess of what you consume back to the utility grid. Any electricity your solar panels dur...
Unfortunately, freon remains the most common refrigerant currently in use. Butnext-generation coolantshave little, if any, negative impact on climate change. In many countries, buying a new fridge that uses HCFCs is not an option. Still, it’s always best to confirm you’re making an eco-...
Today, the concept of the circular economy (CE) has different meanings for various scholars. There are numerous definitions that focus on highlighting diff
6. Effects of App on the battery Even though Facebook and Spotify are high-competence apps, they suddenly consume the battery. Most avid smartphone users often complain about the battery life of their phones. Using Lithium-ion batteries is a good idea but app developers still face the challeng...
From letters, images, and voice, to today's HD video, we generate and consume information at all times. Our pursuit of high-quality information knows no bounds. Today, 4K video is no longer the talk of the town, and Virtual Reality (VR) has taken its place as the hot new trend. ...
— Power.Addressing physical chal lengesto emissionabatement inpower is,undamental to theentireenergytransition.That’sbecause abatingemissionsinthesectorsthatconsume themostenergy—mobi l ity, industry,and bui ldings—wi l l requireasweepingshi,ttoward electri,cation.Managingthegrowtho,wind andsolarpow...
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It’s also important to consider flows of patents and ideas and the way countries or companies will use ideas or know-how developed in one country to help what they do broadly across the world. Those flows have been growing at roughly 6 percent per year as well. ...