解析 A。“NATO”是“North Atlantic Treaty Organization”的缩写,即北大西洋公约组织。选项 B“North American Treaty Organization”是北美条约组织;选项 C“Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization”是北大西洋条约组织(Northern 不太准确);选项 D“New Atlantic Treaty Organization”是新大西洋条约组织。
What Countries are Part of NATO? Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What is NATO and what is its purpose? NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It began as an alliance between 12 nations to collectively provide security and keep peace around the world. It provides peace...
What countries fought in the Battle of Gazala? Who won the Crimean War? What countries have joined NATO since 1949? Who was involved in the Battle of Kharkov? What countries were involved in the Battle of Kursk? What two European countries fought in the Boer War?
What role did ideology play in the Cold War? What was the major fear during the Cold War? What countries were not mentioned at the Potsdam Conference? What did NATO do after the Cold War? What was the domino theory during the Cold War?
NATO's command structure includes Chiefs of Defense from all member countries. The command structure is broadly broken down into two strategic command organizations, the Allied Command Operations (ACO) and the Allied Command Transformation (ACT). ACO headquarters are located in Belgium, Italy, and ...
Countries that may get invited to join; European countries that are not ready to fight a war; Terrorism and weapons of mass destruction that are the biggest threat to NATO; U.S. military technology that is too advanced for most European countries; Peacekeeping troops in Macedonia that could ...
Countries that may get invited to join; European countries that are not ready to fight a war; Terrorism and weapons of mass destruction that are the biggest threat to NATO; U.S. military technology that is too advanced for most European countries; Peacekeeping troops in Macedonia that could ...
They aren't uncommon: The United States has used private military companiesduring the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, there are differences between the commonly accepted definition of a PMC and Russia's version of the companies. "In NATO countries, in Western countries, the m...
it will send a message to otherwould-beaggressors that they too can seize territory and subjugate other countries. It will put the survival of other peaceful democracies at risk. And it could mark the end of the rules-based international order and open the door to aggression elsewhere, with...
NATO has also been strengthened by the accession of two new members, Sweden and Finland. These countries add two well-trained and interoperable armies and a border of more than 1,300 km to be defended by Russia. “NATO still has a huge capab...